Wholemeal Pancakes with Banana & Walnuts

Wholemeal Pancakes with Banana & Walnuts

Pancakes are always a favourite breakfast choice in my house, especially with my son Joseph.  It isn’t strange for him the request pancakes at any time of the day actually, and has a habit of requesting them late at night after dinner too.  Pancake batter is quick and easy to put together though, and if I do make it late at night, I’ll just make a couple of pancakes for Joseph and then just put the remaining batter in the fridge and use it in the morning for breakfast too.  I had a bag of wholemeal flour in the house, so thought I’d make wholemeal pancakes for a change. These pancakes are light and fluffy, and disappeared before anybody realised I’d used a ‘healthier’ flour option!

Wholemeal Pancakes with Banana & Walnuts

  • 1 cup (120g) wholemeal flour
  • 1 cup (250ml) milk
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • pinch salt
  • 1 egg
  • 50g butter, melted
  • 1 sachet of powdered yeast OR 1/2 teaspoon baking powder + 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • banana
  • walnuts
  • maple syrup
  • extra butter for frying pan
  1. Add flour, sugar, salt and yeast to a large bowl and mix roughly to combine.
  2. Add egg, milk, melted butter and whisk into dry ingredients until smooth, and pour into a jug.
  3. Heat a frying pan over medium high heat with a small amount of butter. Pour the batter onto the pan, using the same amount for each pancake.  I  cheat and use a small frying pan that is the same diameter as the size of the pancakes I want. (14cm Diameter).  Brown on both sides and flip onto a cake rack while you cook the others (this stops them sweating if they sit too long on a plate).  I make 7 – 8 pancakes 14cm diam with this quantity of batter.
  4. Slice the banana just before you plan to eat your pancakes, so it doesn’t discolour.  Roughly chop walnuts. Decorate pancakes and serve warm with maple syrup.


  • 120g farina integrale
  • 250ml latte
  • 1 cucchiao zucchero semolato
  • pizzico sale
  • 1 uova
  • 50g burro
  • 1 bustina di lievito vaniglinato
  • banana q.b.
  • noci q.b.
  • sciroppo di acero q.b.
  • burro extra per la padella
  1. Aggiungere la farina, lo zucchero, il sale e il lievito in una ciotola grande e mescolare.
  2. Aggiungere l’uovo, il latte, il burro fuso e mescolate con la frusta per amalgamare bene gli ingredienti fino al liscio, e versare l’impasto in una caraffa.
  3. Scaldare una padella a fuoco medio  con una piccola quantità di burro.
  4. Versare l’impasto nella padella, utilizzando la stessa quantità per ogni pancake. I ho usato una piccola padella che è lo stesso diametro della dimensione delle pancake che voglio. (Diametro 14 centimetri).
  5. Quando inizieranno a comparire delle bollicine in superficie, la base sarà dorata, giratelo sull’altro lato, e fate dorare a sua volta anche l’altro lato, poi il pancake sarà pronto. Io riesco a fare 7 – 8 pancake di diametro 14cm con la quantità di questa ricetta.
  6. Affettare la banana appena prima che si prevede di mangiare le tue pancake, in modo che non scolorisce. Tritare grossolanamente le noci.  Servire ben calde, guarnite a piacere da banana, sciroppo e noci.

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