Christmas Fruit Mince

Christmas Fruit Mince

I love it when the kitchen is filled with the aroma of Christmas.  I have many recipes that remind me of my mother, but this one is probably one of the most important along with her Christmas Cake recipe.  Her Christmas baking included the Christmas 

Christmas Baking

Christmas Baking

It’s the second day of December and that means that if I had any intention of doing traditional Christmas baking, I’m already running way too late! When we were growing up, every year before Christmas, my mother would get together with my two Aunties, Aunty 

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie

  You don’t have to be American to enjoy the delicious desserts that are made during Thanksgiving!  I first tasted Pumpkin Pie when I was an exchange student for a year to Arizona, USA in 1986/87.  Whilst researching recipes, I found many variations but I