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Brutti ma Buoni

Brutti ma Buoni

  Brutti ma Buoni are a chewy and crunchy biscuit or ‘cookie’, consisting basically of meringue and hazlenuts.  Their origin is from Gavirate (province of Varese) in Lombardia, dating back to 1878.  Their name comes from the way they look, and it literally translates to ‘Ugly but Good’.  

Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Avocado Chocolate Mousse

If you love Chocolate Mousse, but feel guilty consuming loads of cream, you will love this less guilt-ridden version.  It isn’t low calorie, and avocados are high in fat, but they are not high in saturated fat. Instead providing a healthy dose of monounsaturated fat, which 

Budini di Riso

Budini di Riso

These delicious rice pudding tarts, known as ‘Budini di Riso’ are a traditional Tuscan pastry and are usually eaten for breakfast. (Budini is plural, you may see them named Budino di Riso).   They can be found in most bars, (and by ‘bar’ I mean ‘cafe’) in Tuscany and are very popular with children.  My son Joseph was a very fussy eater when he was in kindergarten and primary school, and if he didn’t want breakfast at home, he would always happily have a ‘budino di riso’ before starting school. 

To make these, you need to make the pastry, cook the rice, and make a custard.  You can decide to do all this on one day, or make the pastry and cook the rice the day before, completing the recipe the day after.  I find doing this recipe over two days makes it much easier and less stressful.  It’s also a bit quicker because otherwise you have to wait for both the custard and rice to cool down before baking these tarts.  I have written the recipe for making custard from scratch, but nothing stops you from making your favourite custard with a convenient custard powder, and using that custard in this recipe.  While you can use any white sticky rice, some Italian recipes call for ‘riso originario’ which is a starchy white rice, with the grain being small and rounded.  This rice is often used for desserts, puddings and sushi. Others call for Arborio rice.  I used Arborio rice and the result resembled the Budini di Riso I know from Tuscany.

Budini di Riso


  • 300g plain flour
  • 150g butter, cold & cut into cubes
  • 1 egg and 2 egg yolks
  • 85g caster sugar
  • pinch salt


  • 150g Arborio rice
  • 700ml milk
  • 100g caster sugar
  • pinch salt
  • seeds from 1 vanilla bean
  • zest from 1 lemon
  • 50g butter


  • 570ml milk
  • 55ml cream
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 30g caster sugar
  • 2 level tsp cornflour
  1. Start by making the pastry.  In a food processor, add the flour, butter, egg, egg yolks, sugar and salt and mix until a dough forms. Tip onto a lightly floured board and knead gently.  Make into a flattened disc, cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.  Roll out, line tart cases, trim all excess pastry and place them in the refrigerator until you are ready to fill and bake your budini di riso.
  2. Cook the rice by adding all ingredients to a heavy based saucepan or frying pan. Cook on a low heat allowing milk to lightly simmer.  Stir frequently until rice is cooked and milk has been absorbed. Pour into a bowl and allow to cool completely. (At this stage you can refrigerate the rice overnight and continue recipe the next morning).
  3. Make the custard.  Bring the milk and cream to simmer slowly over a low heat.
  4. Whisk the yolks, sugar and cornflour together in a bowl until well blended.
  5. Pour the hot milk and cream on to the eggs and sugar, whisking all the time with a balloon whisk.
  6. Return to the pan, and over a low heat gently stir until thickened.  (While I usually add vanilla extract to my custard, I haven’t added it here, because I added the vanilla bean to the rice).
  7. Wait until custard cools, and then add to rice. You should try and have equal amounts of rice to custard…. My rice was cold as it had sat overnight in the fridge, so I used the paddle on my KitchenAid to combine the rice and custard together.
  8. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  9. Remove tart cases from refrigerator, and fill each one with rice mixture.  You can fill them to the top, while they may swell a little during cooking, they will not spill over.
  10. Bake for 45-50minutes until tops are slightly golden. Remove from oven, allow to cool and dust with icing sugar prior to serving.  Budini di Riso may be eaten warm, but in Italy, they are usually eaten cold at breakfast time.



  • 300g farina ’00’
  • 150g burro, freddo da frigo
  • 1 uova + 2 tuorli
  • 85g zucchero a velo
  • pizzico sale


  • 150g riso arborio
  • 700ml latte intero
  • 100g zucchero semolato
  • pizzico sale
  • i semi di un baccello di vaniglia
  • scorza di 1 limone
  • 50g burro


  • 570ml latte
  • 55ml panna
  • 4 tuorli
  • 30g zucchero semolato
  • 2 cucchiaini farina di mais
  1. Per la frolla, impastate la farina, il burro, l’ uovo e 2 tuorli, lo zucchero a velo, è un pizzico di sale. Fate riposare il panetto in frigo avvolto nella pellicola per un’ora. Stendete il panetto di pasta frolla a circa 3-4 mm di spessore; ritagliatevi con un tagliapasta i dischi e adagiateli in uno stampo da muffin multiplo, o nei stampi per tartine. Fate riposare i stampi in frigo finchè non siete pronti per infornare i budini di riso.
  2. Per il riso, scaldate in una casseruola il latte con lo zucchero semolato, un pizzico di sale, i semi di un baccello di vaniglia, e la scorza grattugiata di un limone. Unite il riso e lessatelo per circa 20’, mescolandolo spesso. (finchè il riso non è cotto e il latte non e assorbito).  Spegnete, mantecate con il burro e fate raffreddare.
  3. Per la crema pasticcera, portare il latte e la panna a sobbollire lentamente a fuoco basso.
    Sbattere i tuorli, lo zucchero e farina di mais in una ciotola fino a ben amalgamati.
    Versare il latte caldo e panna su le uova e lo zucchero, mescolando tutto il tempo con una frusta.
    Riportate il composto sulla fiamma e cuocete mescolando delicatamente per 1-2 minuti, ottenendo una crema pasticcera. Lasciatela raffreddare. (Mentre io di solito aggiungo l’estratto di vaniglia alla mia crema pasticcera, non ho aggiunto qui, perché ho aggiunto il baccello di vaniglia nel riso).
  4. Attendere che la crema si raffredda, e poi aggiungere il riso, mescolando bene.
  5. Riempite con il ripieno i stampi con la frolla e infornate a 180 °C per circa 45-50 minuti.  Sformate i budini, lasciateli intiepidire e serviteli spolverizzati con zucchero a velo.

Eggs Benedict – Italian Style!

Eggs Benedict – Italian Style!

I love eggs for breakfast, and if I’m out, there is one dish I will always choose for a satisfying breakfast and that’s Eggs Benedict.  I would usually have this as ‘Brunch’, because I would rarely want lunch after a plate of these.  So, let’s 

Wholemeal Pancakes with Banana & Walnuts

Wholemeal Pancakes with Banana & Walnuts

Pancakes are always a favourite breakfast choice in my house, especially with my son Joseph.  It isn’t strange for him the request pancakes at any time of the day actually, and has a habit of requesting them late at night after dinner too.  Pancake batter 



Sarde a Beccafico

Sarde a Beccafico

Although this recipe is traditionally made with sardines, I used fresh anchovies.  I visited my fish monger and he didn’t have sardines, but he had a beautiful tray of anchovies already cleaned & filetted… so I decided I’d just make the same recipe with a smaller fish.  

Granita di Caffè

Granita di Caffè

I LOVE Coffee….. although once apon a time I would only drink tea.  The first time I had a good Italian coffee was the first time I visited Florence where my sister Lisa was living at the time, over 20 years ago.  We were at the 

Maritozzi con la Panna – Sweet Roman Bun with Cream

Maritozzi con la Panna – Sweet Roman Bun with Cream

Maritozzi are sweet buns that you will often find in bakeries in Rome.  They can be plain but usually close to Easter you will find them with sultanas, candied peel and sometimes also pine nuts.  In this recipe I have just used sultanas soaked in port. Maritozzi are sliced along the top, and filled with whipped cream that has been sweetened with sugar, and they are commonly eaten for breakfast!

  • 550g Manitoba Flour *
  • 200g sugar
  • 30g butter, cubed
  • 2 sachets brewers’ yeast (14g)
  • pinch salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 200ml warm water
  • 100g sultanas
  • 100ml port


  • 100ml boiling water with 150g sugar and juice of 1/2 a lemon.

*Manitoba flour is  essentially a strong, highly-refined white bread flour, it is mostly used as a flour to strengthen other flours, often being mixed in right at the mills.  Such flours are sold as special strength flours — the flours may be marked as being especially for bread, pizza, baked goods.  It is only called ‘manitoba’ flour in Italy.  I have made these buns before with both plain flour ’00’, (and they turned out beautifully), and also Manitoba Flour.  All the Italian recipes stress that the flour for Maritozzi must be Manitoba flour, hence why I have mentioned it for this recipe.

Another important thing to discuss is the yeast.  Usually you would mix some sugar with the yeast and warm water in a bowl and once it becomes foamy you add it to the flour.  With this yeast, it isn’t necessary… you can add all the ingredients together and then add the warm water.  If the water is too hot though it will kill the yeast, and if it’s too cold, it won’t activate it…. SO…. make it nice and warm.

  1. Soak sultanas in port.
  2. Add flour, salt, sugar, butter, eggs and yeast into the bowl of an electric mixer fixed with a dough hook.  Mix until combined, and slowly add warm water.  Continue mixing until all ingredients are incorporated, and you have achieved a smooth dough. It will be sticky, but if you think it’s too ‘wet’, add another 50g of flour.
  3. Tip into a bowl greased with olive oil, and cover with a clean, dry tea towel.  Leave to rise in a warm, dry place for 3 hours. The dough should double in size.
  4. Drain sultanas.  Knead dough on a floured board and incorporate the sultanas. Divide the dough into even sized balls (you’re supposed to weigh each of them so they are all the same…. I did not do this, hence mine varied in size).  Shape each dough ball into an oval shape and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.  Cover again with tea towel, and allow to rise again for another hour.
  5. Preheat oven to 200°C and bake for 10 minutes.
  6. Mix ingredients for syrup, and brush onto the hot buns as soon as they come out of the oven.  Allow buns to cool completely.  Split them from the top, and fill with freshly whipped cream sweetened with sugar.   Serve dusted lightly with icing sugar.  (makes about 18).



I Maritozzi sono una sorta di panini dolci tradizionali che si trovano spesso – anche se ormai molto meno – nei panifici e nelle pasticcerie di Roma. Possono essere semplici, ovvero senza condimenti, ma di solito nel periodo prima di Pasqua si trovano i cosiddetti Maritozzi Quaresimali, arricchiti con uva sultanina, canditi e a volte pinoli.  In questa ricetta ho usato solo uva sultanina ammollata nel porto.  Spesso i Maritozzi vengono tagliati per lungo e riempiti di panna montata, e sono ottimi per la colazione o per uno spuntino a mezzanotte!
  • 550g farina manitoba
  • 200g zucchero
  • 30g burro
  • 14g lievito di birra
  • pizzico sale
  • 2 uova
  • 200ml acqua tiepida
  • 100g uva sultanina
  • 100ml porto

sciroppo di zucchero

  • 100ml acqua bollente
  • 150g zucchero
  • succo da 1/2 limone
  1. Mettere a bagno l’uvetta in porto.
  2. Aggiungere la farina, il sale, lo zucchero, il burro, le uova e il lievito nella ciotola di una planetaria fissato con il gancio per impastare pane. Mescolare, e aggiungere lentamente l’acqua tiepida. Continuare a mescolare fino a quando tutti gli ingredienti sono incorporati, fino a ottenere un impasto liscio.  (Sarà appiccicoso, ma se si pensa che è troppo ‘bagnato’, aggiungere un altro 50 g di farina.)
  3. Ponente l’impasto dei maritozzi in una ciotola unta con olio e copritelo con un canovaccio pulito e asciutto. Lasciare lievitare in un luogo caldo e asciutto per 3 ore. L’impasto deve raddoppiare di dimensione.
  4. Scolate l’uvetta. Impastare la pasta su un piano infarinato e incorporare l’uvetta. Dividere l’impasto in palline,  di dimensioni uguale (e suggerito di pesare ciascuno di essi in modo che siano tutti uguali …. non ho fatto questo, ed e per questo la mia varia in dimensioni).   Forma ogni palla in una forma ovale e sistemateli su di una leccarda da forno foderata con un foglio di carta da forno.  Coprire di nuovo con un canovaccio e lasciarli lievitare per un’altra ora.
  5. Preriscaldare il forno a 200°C e cuocere per 10 minuti.
  6. Mescolare gli ingredienti per lo sciroppo, e spazzolare sui panini caldi, non appena escono dal forno.   Una volta raffreddati, fate un taglio al centro di ogni maritozzo e farcite ognuno con panna montata leggeremente zuccherato.   Servire spolverato leggermente con zucchero a velo. (Rende circa 18).

Bucatini all’Amatriciana

Bucatini all’Amatriciana

According to tradition the name of this pasta dish derives from Amatrice, a small town 160km from Rome.  Shepherds wanted to take simple ingredients with them when they went out to tend their flock, such as cheese, pepper & pasta.  To this they would add guanciale when