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Week in Florence – Day 4

Week in Florence – Day 4

As you can see, I am an excellent babysitter!  This is Thomas helping out with the laundry, as I am a firm believer in getting kids to pull their weight around the house.  Yes, I’ve been doing the laundry for Lisa and had everything ironed 

Week in Florence – Day 3

Week in Florence – Day 3

Today has gone quite well (so far), I’ve just got home from picking up both boys and they are playing together beautifully on the floor of the play room…. Let’s see how long they last.  I woke still feeling unwell though,  and after taking Thomas 

Week in Florence – Day 2

Week in Florence – Day 2

Just a quick note to say:

  • I am exhausted
  • I have felt a little unwell and queasy today
  • Thomas cried for an hour this evening as I was cooking dinner and I realise my patience levels are frazzelled
  • I am exhausted
  • I need to go to bed earlier
  • I am exhausted
  • My back aches and lifting and carrying a toddler is hard work
  • On a positive note Matteo has been an angel and I did manage to make a quiche with homemade pastry though during the crying fit….

And here are the two cheeky monkeys responsible:


A Week in Florence – Day 1

A Week in Florence – Day 1

My twin sister Lisa lives in Florence, and she has had to go to Australia for work! SO…. I have come here for a week to help out my brother in law Emiliano with my nephews Matteo, aged 4 and Thomas who is 1. I am 

Christmas Fruit Mince Pies

Christmas Fruit Mince Pies

Christmas time is usually associated with special recipes that quite often are traditional to our family.  Along with Christmas Cake and Christmas Pudding, Mince Pies are an essential part of my Christmas celebrations.  Mince Pies are part of Christmas baking that reminds me of the 

(Christmas) Baked Cheesecake

(Christmas) Baked Cheesecake


Don’t think that you can’t use any of your favourite dessert recipes to celebrate Christmas Day.  A little bit of imaginative decoration can see any cake or dessert dressed up sufficiently to pass any Christmas celebration dress code!

My friend Mia asked me for a good baked cheesecake recipe, so I thought instead of just giving her the recipe, I may as well make one, and theme it  for a Christmas party!   I use my mother’s trusted recipe, she would call it  ‘Manhattan Cheesecake’.  It is very rich and very delicious!


  • 500g cream cheese (room temperature)
  • 500g ricotta (room temperature)
  • 500ml sour cream
  • 300g sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 60g melted butter
  • 3 tablespoons plain flour
  • 3 tablespoons cornflour
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest
  1. Preheat oven to 160°C ventilated oven or 180°C static.
  2. Beat cream cheese with electric mixer until light and creamy.
  3. Add ricotta and sugar.
  4. Add eggs, one at a time and mix well.
  5. Add butter, flours, vanilla and lemon zest, mix until combined
  6. Fold in sour cream.
  7. Pour mixture into an ungreased 23cm (9″) spring-form cake tin.
  8. Bake on the middle shelf for 1.5 to 2 hours.  (Until slightly golden on top).  Once cooked, turn off oven and without opening  door, leave the cheesecake in oven for 2 hours.
*Allow cheesecake to cool in cake tin and chill for at least 2 hours prior to serving.  I usually bake it the day before it is required, and place it in the fridge overnight.
**My mother usually served her cheesecake decorated with strawberries.  I decorated mine here with berries to make it more festive for Christmas, but then photographed it a second time, with seedless raspberry jam on top.
***Although my mother never added a biscuit base to this cheesecake, if you wish to, use 150g of sweet biscuits or digestives, mixed with 80g melted butter.  Press into base of cake tin before adding cheesecake mixture. I use a ‘cake smoother’ (from my cake decorating supplies) to ensure a perfectly straight and even base.
  • 500g formaggio spalmabile (philadelphia)
  • 500g ricotta
  • 500ml panna acida (o yoghurt greco)
  • 300g zucchero
  • 4 uova grandi
  • 60g burro sciolto
  • 3 cucchiai di farina ’00’
  • 3 cucchiai  di farina di mais (maizena)
  • 2 cucchiaini di estratto di vanilla
  • 2 cucchiaini di scorza di limone


  1. Riscaldare il forno a 160°C (ventilato) o 180°C (statico)
  2. Assicurare che il formaggio spalmabile e la ricotta siano a temperatura ambiente.
  3. Nella planetaria, mescolare il formagio spalmabile finchè diventa cremoso .
  4. Aggiungere la ricotta e lo zucchero.
  5. Aggiungere le uova, una alla volta.
  6. Aggiungere il burro, le farine, l’estratto di vaniglia e la scorza di limone.
  7. Aggiungere la panna acida, mescolando  a velocità minima o a mano.
  8. Versare l’impasto in una tortiera a diam 22cm.  (non imburrata)
  9. Cuocere nel centro del forno per  1,5 – 2 ore, o finchè è leggermente dorato sopra.
  10. Spegnere il forno, lasciando il cheesecake nel forno per almeno 2 ore.
  11. Togliere la cheesecake dal forno, lasciandola raffreddare bene nel frigo prima di servirla…. almeno altre 2 ore.  (Io preferisco mangiarla il giorno dopo… lasciando la torta riposare coperta  per una notte in frigo.)
  • Decorarla con le fragole, (mia madre faceva semplicamente così) , o spalmare una marmellata a scelta sopra!
  • Anche se mia madre non aggiungeva una base di biscotto a questo cheesecake, se si desidera, usare 150 g di biscotti tipo ‘digestivi’, mescolati con 80 g di burro fuso. Premere nella base del stampo prima di aggiungere la miscela di formaggio. Io uso un ‘cake smoother’ (dal mio forniture di utensili per decorare le torte) al fine di garantire una base perfettamente dritto.
Busy Busy Weekend!

Busy Busy Weekend!

Well, I had the best intentions to write something over the weekend.. and now it’s Tuesday night… oops, let me correct myself as it’s 20 minutes past midnight! It was a long weekend here, and although Joseph had 4 days off school, Annabella had school 

Christmas Fruit Mince

Christmas Fruit Mince

I love it when the kitchen is filled with the aroma of Christmas.  I have many recipes that remind me of my mother, but this one is probably one of the most important along with her Christmas Cake recipe.  Her Christmas baking included the Christmas 

Christmas Baking

Christmas Baking

It’s the second day of December and that means that if I had any intention of doing traditional Christmas baking, I’m already running way too late!


When we were growing up, every year before Christmas, my mother would get together with my two Aunties, Aunty Nancy & Aunty Lucy for a day full of baking hundreds of mince pies, shortbread and almond bread.  My mother would bring the large jars of mince which she had prepared… I’m guessing at least a month earlier.  My cousins and I would spend the day playing together while our mothers churned out factory quantities of baked goodies. Occasionally we would sneak into the house, stealing a mince pie from the table, still warm from the oven.  This is one of those childhood memories that you really only appreciate when you look back with a nostalgic adult brain, and probably even more so because I know that I will never have the joy of sharing a Christmas baking day with my mother.  I am so lucky to have her recipes though and although I doubt I’ll be making her Christmas cake which requires 6 hours in the oven, (and should have been made 2 months ago), or the Christmas Pudding (which I think should have been hanging, wrapped in calico for 2 months already at least), I’ve decided to make the mince so at least we’ll have home made mince pies, and I’ll give half to my sister Lisa.

Tomorrow I’m off to Napoli for a work appointment, so that means I’ll have to mix the ingredients on Friday.  I can’t do it now (even though there is a shop 2 doors down from me that sells everything I need) because the light is fading and my OCD won’t allow me to prepare it without photographing the process!

Have you already finished your Christmas baking? How many weeks or months in advance do you begin? Please share with me your family traditions. (Just praying someone else is running late like me)!

Professione Pasticcere (It’s a hard job but someone’s gotta do it)

Professione Pasticcere (It’s a hard job but someone’s gotta do it)

Today I didn’t have breakfast.  Today I didn’t have lunch either. No I’m not dieting (although maybe after today I should fast for a month), I was asked to sit on the examiners panel for the Gambero Rosso Pastry Chef students final exam. It’s not the first