Tag: #peperoni

Roast Red Peppers stuffed with Couscous

Roast Red Peppers stuffed with Couscous

Similar to the Roman ‘Pomodori ripieni di Riso’ , instead of being stuffed with rice, the filling to these red peppers (capsicum) is a flavourful Couscous. You can add whatever flavours you like to your couscous, but for this recipe I have used basil, parsley, 

Pollo con i Peperoni – Chicken with Bell Peppers

Pollo con i Peperoni – Chicken with Bell Peppers

This recipe is also known as ‘Pollo alla Romana’ because it is a classic traditional Roman recipe. It is especially enjoyed during summer, and is the traditional lunch to cook during the national public holiday ‘Ferragosto’ which always falls on August 15th. It is a