Torta di Nocciole – Hazelnut Cake

Torta di Nocciole – Hazelnut Cake

This Italian cake is a wonderful dessert, rich in toasted hazelnut flavour and aroma, yet light enough for the perfect accompaniment for morning or afternoon tea. Traditionally ‘Torta di Nocciole’ (hazelnut cake) originates from Piedmont because it is traditionally prepared with IGP* hazelnuts from the Langhe. This is lovely to eat simply dusted with icing sugar, or you could spread dark chocolate ganache on top for a more decadent dessert. (*IGP = Protected Geographical Indication. This is a trademark for the protection of typical products originating from a specific geographical area.)

Torta di Nocciole


  • 150g whole roasted and roughly peeled hazelnuts
  • 150g flour
  • 150g butter at room temperature
  • 150g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 90g hazelnut paste
  • 2 eggs
  • Icing sugar for decoration


  1. Toast the hazelnuts. Place them in a single layer on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Toast them in a static oven at 180°C for 10-15 minutes or until they are lightly browned and the skins cracked a little. Pay close attention to them because if cooked for too long, the hazelnuts can become bitter in taste. Remove the hazelnuts from the oven and wrap them in a clean, dry kitchen tea towel, allowing them to ‘steam’ for a couple of minutes. Rub them together to loosen and remove as much of the skin as possible. (it’s ok if some skin remains). Cool completely.
  2. Grease and line a 22cm diameter baking tin with baking paper. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  3. Add the cooled hazelnuts to a food processor bowl and use the ‘pulse’ function to chop the hazelnuts roughly. (you don’t want them to be grounded to a fine flour).
  4. Add the butter and sugar to the bowl of an electric mixture and beat until pale, creamy, light and fluffy. Scrape the sides of the bowl.
  5. Add the eggs one at a time and mix well after each addition.
  6. Sift the flour and baking powder together and with the mixer on medium speed, add one tablespoon of flour at a time to the mixture.
  7. Add the hazelnut paste and the chopped hazelnuts and continue stirring until the mixture is combined well.
  8. Pour the cake batter into the prepared cake tin and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 40 minutes. Test with a wooden skewer, and ensure that it is clean after being inserted into the middle of the cake.
  9. Allow the cake to cool in the cake tin for about 15 minutes before turning it out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Sprinkle with icing sugar and the hazelnut cake is ready to be served.


  1. In una robot di cucina, utilizzate la funzione ‘pulse’, cioè a scatti ripetuti, per tritare le nocciole e ottenere un composto granuloso.
  2. Versare il burro a pezzetti in una planetaria insieme allo zucchero. Azionare le fruste per una decina di minuti fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro e spumoso.
  3. Aggiungere poco per volta, le uova leggermente sbattute e versare la quantità successiva soltanto quando quella precedente è stata completamente assorbita.
  4. Setacciare la farina ed il lievito. e, con le fruste sempre in funzione, aggiungere un cucchiaio alla volta al composto.
  5. Aggiungere la pasta di nocciole e le nocciole tritate e continuare a mescolare fin quando l’impasto non è omogeneo.
  6. Versare il composto all’interno di una tortiera precedentemente imburrate ed infarinate. 
  7. Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180°C per 40 minuti. 
  8. Lasciatelo raffreddare completamente prima di sformarlo. Spolverate con lo zucchero a velo e la Torta di Nocciola è pronta per essere servita.

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