Lemon Tart
Lemon Tart may be one of my most vintage recipes that I have written in my old recipe book. and a dessert I often pulled out to end a dinner party. Scroll to the end of the recipe to see an alternate filling. I have …
Lemon Tart may be one of my most vintage recipes that I have written in my old recipe book. and a dessert I often pulled out to end a dinner party. Scroll to the end of the recipe to see an alternate filling. I have …
I have always loved custard tarts and if you are Australian you will know what I am referring to when I say I have nostalgic memories and love for the custard tarts you can buy at the local Milk Bar or bakery. There are recipes …
With summer almost upon us, the markets have started filling with colour from gorgeous summer fruits. It’s only the beginning of the season and while the selection may still be a little limited, there is already a good choice available. I adore peaches and was thrilled to have the opportunity to make this ‘Crostata di Pesche’. I have used a recipe by Florence based Chef Arturo Dori . He is a regular contributor for the monthly magazine This Tuscan Life and this month’s recipe is this fresh and light summery tart. Arturo Dori is also a sommelier and a certified cheese tester. Arturo’s recipe is easy to follow and the custard is probably the best I’ve ever made. The wonderful thing about these Italian custard fruit tarts is that once you have a recipe you are happy with for the pastry and custard, you can use any fruit you wish for the topping, or why not…. make a tart or mini tarts with a variety of fruit on top.
Recipe by Chef Arturo Dori
Sweet Pastry Base
Custard (Crema Pasticcera)
Summer Peach Tart
**Please note that you don’t have to return the tart to the oven the second time. Depending on what fruit you are using, you might want to decorate the custard tart and then serve directly with the fresh fruit sliced on top.
So… don’t forget to get creative! Once you have the pastry and custard made…. the rest is up to you!
Ingredienti per la pasta frolla
Procedimento per la Pasta Frolla
Montare in planetaria con frusta il burro morbido con lo zucchero, il tuorlo d’uovo, il sale, l’estratto di vaniglia e la buccia di limone grattugiata. Montare a foglia nella planetaria e aggiungere la farina poco alla volta fino a completo assorbimento. Compattare su tavolo infarinato. Fare riposare almeno quattro ore prima di utilizzarla.
Ingredienti per la Crema Pasticcera
Procedimento per la Crema Pasticcera
Montate in planetaria i tuorli d’uovo con lo zucchero, i semi di vaniglia e l’amido. Mettete la panna e il latte in una casseruola e portate vicino alla ebollizione quindi aggiungete i tuorli montati e aspettate che si rialzi la temperatura. Quando la panna ricomincerà a bollire, togliete la casseruola dal fuoco e montate bene la crema pasticcera con la frusta.
Procedimento per la crostata alle pesche
Fate freddare la crostata e spolveratela di zucchero a velo vanigliato. Guarnite con foglioline di menta
Allora… non dimenticate di essere creativi! Una volta che hai la Pasta Frolla e la Crema Pasticcera fatta… il resto sta a voi!